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Nakon vrlo cijenjenih izdanja iz 2023. i 2024., s ponosom najavljujemo 3. Starogradske dane filozofije od 28. travnja do 1. svibnja 2025.: 30 filozofa pridružuje se intenzivnim diskursima i opisuje

'Nasuprot Zlu'

bez korištenja izraza Zlo kao reference


After the much appreciated 2023 and 2024 editions we are proudly announcing the 3rd Stari Grad Philosophy Days from 28 April till 1 May 2025: 30 philosophers join intensive discourses about the


'The Opposite of Evil'

without expressions of Evil as reference


(Scroll down for an overview of participants and program)

Nasuprot zlu

Iako se ponekad čini da je zlo sveprisutno, da su mu korijeni metafizički, činjenica je da ono nije ontološko: zlo ne postoji u međuzvjezdanom prostoru kozmosa, niti u kvantnim silama mikrokozmosa.

Pa ipak, opreke zlu, koje opisujemo mnogim duboko dojmljivim nazivima, nisu u stanju pružiti odgovarajuću protutežu gotovo opipljivoj sili koju ispoljava riječ zlo. Zlo je, zajedno s njegovim oprekama, prisutno samo u svijetu čovjeka i samo ih čovjek pridaje svijetu koji ga okružuje.

Od početaka filozofije, kao i religije, problem zla, kao i odgovor, suprotstavljanje zlu, pronalaženje vrijednosti koje su mu opreka, postoje kao jedan od najvažnijih pitanja za ljudski život.

Treći Farski filozofski simpozij bit će posvećen raspravi o opreci zlu. Povijesne i suvremene odgovore na problem zla tražimo u otvorenoj i tolerantnoj raspravi, ne zaboravljajući da ga ljudi prepoznaju u mnogim manifestacijama ljudskog postojanja, ali stavljajući u raspravi naglasak na vrednote i putokaze kojima čovjek daje snažne i motivirajuće odgovore na zlo - o ljudskom stavu protiv zla.

Kao moto našeg trećeg simpozija uzimamo Hektorovićev kameni natpis iznad zahoda u njegovom dvorcu Tvrdalj:


Ako se poznaješ čemu se oholiš


The opposite of evil

Although sometimes it seems that evil is omnipresent, that its roots are metaphysical, the fact is that it is not ontological: evil does not exist in the interstellar space of the cosmos, nor in the quantum forces of the microcosm.

Evil's opposition, which we capture with many deeply impactful names, is incapable of providing adequate counterbalance to the almost palpable force that the word evil exerts. Evil, together with its opposition, is present only in the world of man, and only man gives them to the world that surrounds him.

From the beginnings of philosophy, as well as religion, the problem of evil, as well as the answer, the opposition to evil, finding values ​​that stand against it, exist as one of the most important problems for human life.

The third Pharos Philosophy Symposium will be devoted to the discussion of resistance to evil. We seek historical and contemporary answers to the problem of evil to be presented in an open and tolerant discussion, not forgetting that people recognize it in many manifestations of human existence, but placing emphasis on the values ​​and guideposts to which man gives a strong and motivating response to evil - on the human attitude against evil.

As the motto of our third symposium, we take Hektorović's stone inscription above the toilet in his Tvrdalj Castle:


Know what you are and then how can you be proud?



Ako želite sudjelovati... Informacije

If you wish to participate ... Information

lovanja nalaze se ovdje: sudjelovanje

Znanstveno govoreći, nema suprotnosti. Je li nemoguće opisati protivnika zla bez korištenja zla kao reference? Pitao sam okolo, nakon što sam ga sam riješio; pet ljudi je. Neki odmah, neki nakon procesa transformacije u njihovom razmišljanju o tome. Međutim, naravno, izazovni naziv se raspada; "suprotno" je opis koji pati od dokaza o postojanju i opisivanju suprotnosti zla bez korištenja zlata kao reference je kao opisivanje bijelog bez korištenja boje kao reference.

Stan Coenders, srpanj 2024, Stari Grad.

Scientifically speaking, there is no contradiction. Is it impossible to describe the adversary of evil without using evil as a reference? I asked around; five people did it. Some immediately, some after the transformation process in their thinking about it. However, of course, the challenging title falls apart; "opposite" is a description that suffers from evidence of existence, and to describe the opposite of evil without using evil as a reference is like describing white without using color as a reference. Stan Coenders, July 2024, Stari Grad.

O Pharos simpoziju i starogradskim danima filozofije

Dani filozofije u Starome Gradu na otoku Hvaru zamišljeni su kao prostor susreta, razmjene mišljenja i dijaloga između filozofa, studenata filozofije i ljubitelja filozofije na tragu tradicije grčkog, Sokratovskog  symposiona, a u mjestu koje ima snažne antičke, grčke korijene i koje je Aristotelov vršnjak (današnji Stari Grad utemeljili su Grci s egejskog otoka Parosa kao svoju koloniju Faros 384. godine pr. Kr.).  Pročitaj više >

About Pharos Symposium and Stari Grad Philosophy Days

The Pharos Philosophy Symposium in Stari Grad (Otok Hvar Croatia) is conceived as an open gathering place, where philosophers, philosophy students and fellow travelers share their ideas in the tradition of the Greek Socratic symposium. The single guiding principle of the symposium is to freely reflect and critically engage with differing ideas.   Read more >

Aine Donnellan
- journalist (Sweden);   Aldo Čavić - philosopher, poet (Croatia);   Ana Beguš - University of Primorska Faculty of Humanities (Slovenija);   Andrej Detela - physicist, Inventor, Philosopher, Poet (Slovenija);   Dragan Novković - school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Belgrade (Serbia);   Ernest Ženko - University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (Slovenija);   Hrvoje Jurić - Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Croatia);   Ibrahim Spahić - poet, organizer International Festival Sarajevo Winter (Bosnia);   Krešimir Mišak - Journalist, Na rubu znanosti/On the edge of science (Croatia);   Kristina Bojanovic - Humanistic Studies, University of Donja Gorica (Montenegro);   Milosav Gudovic - Institut za proučavanje kršćanske tradicije (Slovenija);   Nina Petek - Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenija);   Petar Pavlović - Institute for Cosmology and Philosophy of Nature / Križevci (Croatia);   Rok Zavrtanik - Sanje Publishers (Slovenija);   Sebastijan Pešec -  Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenija);   Simon RyleAssociate Professor at the University of Split, Croatia;   Stan Coenders - PureCranio relaxation (Netherlands);   Tea Golob - Faculty of Information Studies (Slovenija);   Željko Šaric - Faculty of Philosophy Banja Luka (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

Overview of artists will follow soon

Vremena i mjesta: (program se može promijeniti)

Times and Venues: (program may change)
(workshop pinhole camera'

28 April, morning

radionice pinhole camera / workshop pinhole camera

Muzeju Staroga Grada Voditelj

28 April, 19.00 - 21.00

Otvaranje Simpozija / Opening Symposium

Muzej Staro Grada / Stari Grad Museum

28 April, 20.00 - 21.30

Otvaranje Izložbe / Opening exhibition

Muzej Staro Grada / Stari Grad Museum

29 April 10.00 - 13.00

Filozofske rasprave / vrt palače Biankini
Philosophy discourse / Stari Grad Museum

29 April 14.00 - 17.00

Filozofske rasprave / vrt palače Biankini

Philosophy discourse / Stari Grad Museum 

29 April 20.00 - 21.30 

Predstavljanje knjige / Book presentation

30 April 10.00 - 13.00:

Filozofske rasprave / vrt palače Biankini

Philosophy discourse / Stari Grad Museum

30 April 14.00 - 17.00

Filozofske rasprave / vrt palače Biankini

Philosophy discourse / Stari Grad Museum garden 

30 April 19:30 - 21.00

Konferencijska večera / Conference dinner

Jazz koncert / Jazz concert

1 May 10.00 - 13.00

Organizirana tura / Organized tour 

1 svibanjski obrok u Polju / 1 May meal in the Polje

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Organization 2025

Stari Grad Philosophy Days started in 2023 as an idea from Aldo Cavic and Stan Coenders in close cooperation with Vilma Matulic, Stari Grad Museum and Stjepka Domančić, Stari Grad Library, Jadra Rile, Wendy Gibbons.



Muzej Staroga Grada, - Vilma Matulić, Marko Matković

Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica Stari Grad - Stjepka Domančić, Jelena Gracin

Založba Sanje www.sanje.siRok Zavrtanik, Andreja Udovč


Organizational board:

Philosophy: Aldo Cavic, Stan Coenders

Parallel events: Musej Stroga Grada, Knjižnica Stari Grad, Sanje Publishers​​​

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